Manage Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail with Outlook

Microsoft Office Outlook 2013 (MSO2013) supports email account login of Gmail services. Mail, Hotmail very easy and fast. Prepare In the past, to configure a third-party email into Outlook, users had to declare a lot of information, including port numbers, POP / IMAP servers (Pop / IMAP Server) magazine. Now, with MSO2013, you just need to declare the 3 most basic information, including account name, email address and password, immediately MSO2013 will do the rest. . Yahoo Mail Tips . Yahoo sign in However, to configure Gmail on MSO2013, you must set up your Gmail account to open the POP or IMAP feature, by going to Settings on the Gmail website, selecting Settings, Forwarding and POP / IMAP tab, checking Enable POP for all mail in POP Download or Enable IMAP in IMAP Access, Save Changes. For Hotmail, you do not need to do anything else. With Yahoo! Mail , you can only login to email account has @ Configuratio...